Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17, 2015

Greetings Memorial Families and Happy Holidays!

It has been a busy week here at Memorial.  The anticipation is growing as we look forward to several upcoming events.

Teacher PreK-5 Professional Development Day

PreK-5 teachers participated in a mini digital learning day at Wheelock on Wednesday afternoon.  With five different offerings to choose from, teachers were able to differentiate their own learning based on their individual and student needs.  Check out some of the great workshops from which the Memorial staff was able to choose.

App Challenges - Debby Fromen

A hands-on opportunity to investigate K-5 creativity iPad apps.  Bring your iPad and chose your challenges:  Camera, PicCollage, Skitch, Popplet, Adobe Voice, Chatterpix, Sock Puppets, Book Creator, Explain Everything, iMovie, iMovie Trailers, Stick Around.  Then work collaboratively with colleagues to create integrated centers/lessons to take back to your classroom.  End products will be shared K-5.

Already an app expert on these apps?  Take it to the next level - app smash and create some new integrated lessons/centers.

Raz-Kids Webinar - Jamee Callahan

Gain knowledge and confidence to flexibly and seamlessly use Learning A-Z to supplement your core reading, writing, and science instruction, target key literacy skills, and move your students to new levels of reading proficiency!

Managing Student Work with Seesaw - Bethany Robertson

Collecting student work from various iPads, computers, numerous worksheets, etc. can be overwhelming.  Seesaw is a digital portfolio that lets students easily send you all kinds of learning artifacts to one place.  Additionally, rather than use multiple apps, you can take pictures, video, draw, type, and record voice all within Seesaw.  Although it can access your camera roll for all of you app smashers!  Seesaw is simple to use for both students and teachers while still offering lots of options.

Google Classroom and Google Apps - Jason Garverich

Excited to use this platform but just haven't had the time to get started?
Started already but feel like you're not getting the most out of it?
Come and get hands on with the technology with a Google employee who will help you take the next step in your journey (whatever that may be).
Will involve active use of the products, interacting with your peers in a real-world setting.

Chrome: The Browser with Superpowers - Neal Sonnenberg

Most of us use Chrome everyday and think of is as just a browser to get onto the Internet; however the Chrome Browser can do a whole lot more.  In this session you’ll learn many tricks to make your time on the Internet more efficient - from bookmarks, to extensions to managing multiple accounts, to making your holiday shopping easier, you will learn something new in this session.  

Thank you to our amazing presenters!

Safety Drill
Students and staff did a wonderful job today during our unannounced safety drill. Please see the email that was sent earlier on Thursday for additional details.

We are all looking forward to our school wide assembly tomorrow on Whole Body Listening as well as the Jazz Band concert in the afternoon. Next week, we will have our 2nd Box Top raffle drawing, the Holiday Sing, visiting carolers, and classroom parties. Check out next week's blog for a recap and pictures of the fun.

Have a great weekend and thank you for reading. Sincerely,
Missy Bilsborough
Memorial Principal

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